Overcome By The Police Officer (BWWM) Page 2
Robert had lost a lot of blood but the bleeding finally stopped. They cleaned the wounds with warm water before applying the antiseptic and bandages. He felt warm as if he was getting a fever and he was sweating profusely but he had not regained consciousness. Natalia was worried that he would die but she kept him cool by sponging him with a washcloth.
The farmhouse had candles which she lit. Devon seemed to know the area well and reassured her that she would be safe there as no one lived close by and that the nearest residence was about five miles beyond the fields. Natalia suspected that the farm belonged to his family but declined to ask him about it. After bandaging the wounds Devon was ready to leave lest daylight should catch him while on the road.
“You won’t be disturbed here,” Devon told her as she walked him to the car.
“Thanks, I really appreciate this,” she replied.
“No problem, I owe you a lot. Call me.”
“Be careful Dev,” she told him as he got behind the wheel of her car. She waved and watched the car until the lights disappeared through the trees. He would park the car in her garage before heading back to his hideout.
She had bought enough supplies to last a week along with a new cell phone. It was now very important for her to keep in touch with Devon. She would also need to call in sick for work as well. They had made a bed in the living room on the bear rug in front of the fireplace which was filled with black ashes. There was no need for a fire since it was the summer so they had left it as was.
Robert was sweating again but his pulse had steadied somewhat. She got another pan of cool water and removed the sheets which were now wet with his perspiration. Devon had removed his shirt and partially removed his pants so it was now up to her to remove the rest of his garments in order to wash him properly. As she unbuckled his leather belt her cool finger brushed against his hot skin and she heard him groan.
“Robert, are you awake?”
“Mmmmm,” he groaned. It seemed he wanted to answer but was still semi-conscious.
“I’m going to wash you now,” she told him.
She was careful not to hurt his leg as she removed the pants and boxers which were soaked in blood. There was no way she could turn him on his belly so she would only wash his front; the back would have to stay until he regained consciousness.
Starting from his face she wet the cloth and wiped the sweat and blood off his body. Occasionally her fingers would brush against his skin and she noticed how he would grimace. As she reached his belly she heard him mumble something and twist his head. Her heart was beating wildly at the prospects of washing his shaft so she carefully wiped around it but as she moved the cloth over his thigh the tip of her fingers brushed his balls and the thing sprang to life.
Natalia was no virgin. She’d seen a cock before but this one seemed humongous to her and to think that an unconscious man would respond in this way was quite surprising. Was he dreaming? She was contemplating not touching him again when a hand suddenly gripped her arm. She had been kneeling at his side where the good shoulder was and was slightly bent over him as she cleansed him of blood and sweat.
The hand on her arm was strong and it gripped her tightly. Before she could pull away he pulled her down towards him and she fell atop the wounded cop. Her hair brushed his face as it became loose from the pins which held it up.
“Nice, you smell nice,” she heard him mumble almost incoherently. He sounded quite drunk. Natalia thought that the fever was making him delusional.
“I see you’re awake,” she said trying to pull away but his good arm was quite strong as it encircled her shoulders and pinned her to his chest.
She could feel his heart beating and the heat emanating from his feverish body. She could have gotten free had she tried harder but she didn’t want to aggravate his wounds.
“Pretty too,” he mumbled again.
“Detective, release me now,” Natalia pleaded. Before she could respond Robert raised his head and planted his lips on hers. As she tried to move he cupped her head with his good arm and plunged his tongue in her mouth. His lips were hot and hungrily devoured hers. Squirming she pushed hard against the man then she felt him relax and he fell back against the rug.
The detective lay still; breathing deeply as if asleep. A light snore escaped his lips but rather than the painful expression of the last few hours he seemed at peace. Natalia touched her lips where she could still feel his feverish lips against hers. At first the heat was so great it scorched her but as he plunged his tongue into her mouth his heat penetrated her and she felt her face, neck and stomach burn.
A bit confused at her response to the kiss Natalia found a spot on the rug to rest. A light rain had started outside and she watched the water trickle from the windows in the living room. Before long her eyelids closed and she drifted into a deep sleep.
His eyelids flew open. He felt a little out of sort and he was aching all over. Robert was confused as where he was. He looked around the room and saw that the furniture were covered with white sheets. The place seemed dusty and there was no sound except for deep breathing. There was someone else there. He looked towards the sound and his eyes rested upon the reporter.
“What the…?” he started then a memory broke through his thoughts.
Part Three
It had been raining all day and there was no firewood. The fireplace was filled with black soot and was obviously not used in a long time. There was no electricity and the candles were all there was to light the room. She had come down with the chills so Robert tried everything to keep her warm. When all else seemed to fail he decided that he would snuggle up to her.
Their bodies had fit so well together and the kiss they shared before had ignited something between them. It wasn’t something planned. There was something unspoken between them that was understood so when their lips met again it was mutual.
On that bear skinned rug that night, twenty five miles away from the city, two bodies touched as hands explored terrains unknown to each other. His lips trailed hot kisses along her jawline and neck sending heat waves through her body. Robert knew how to warm a chill body.
Natalia lay back on the sofa and closed her eyes as the night came back to her vividly. He had taken her breasts, one a time and nibbled each nipple until they became taut. There was an aching need in the pit of her stomach as he caressed her from head to toe following his hands with his lips. When he kissed her belly her breath had caught and she thought there could be no greater pleasure.
Then he parted her thighs and used his fingers to part her pussy, touching the tip of his tongue to her clit. The sensation was almost unbearable as an electric shockwave pierced her belly. She was almost disappointed when he moved and covered his body with hers but when he plunged his tongue in her mouth and gently stroked hers, the last remnant of her chills faded away. A gush of hot liquid escaped her opened leaving stickiness betwixt her thighs. As if reading her mind he guided his shaft and gently pushed into her hot wet flesh.
His hips moved rhythmically as he slid in and out of her, massaging her vaginal walls with his huge cock. Their bodies moved together on the bear skin rug that night creating a heat which could not be matched had there been wood in the fireplace.
That was two weeks after the shooting. The killing of the policemen was hot news and there were rumors that a particular gang was involved. The same gang which Robert was investigating. Both Robert and Natalia suspected that there was a mole in the police department; otherwise no one would have known where the stakeout was.
As she remembered it; the third night Devon had returned with more supplies and a crutch which Robert used to walk around. He spent most of the time brooding which annoyed Natalia. She believed he should contact the captain to let him know what was going on but Robert wanted to wait until he was better in order to go after the guys who attacked them. She believed he knew exactly who they were.
At times she would catch him looking at her strangely and memories of his kiss
would surface. She remembered how she had fallen atop his hard chest and the feel of her breast against him. The memories would make her flush.
Shaking her head Natalia decided that she would forget about that night. She touched her tummy once more and wished she could just go somewhere and start all over. She felt ashamed. How could she let that happen? How could she face him again?
Try as she might she could not get the memory of Robert out of her mind. The morning after they made love she awoke to find that he had gone. She was alone in the farm house which was so cold and damp. She waited for three days for him to return but he did not. At first she told herself that he had gone to get medicine for her or maybe to get firewood someplace but after the third day without him returning she called Devon to come get her.
It was now one month since she was home. She had just finished dinner when she turned on the news. There he was alive and well talking about the gang members he had caught. There were two left who had gone into hiding but now that their accomplices and leader were behind bars it was very unlikely they would try anything.
Her request for a transfer was successful and she was now assigned to a new precinct. Her detective was female and there were no problems but she missed Precinct 13. There was a slight twinge in her stomach and she touched it.
The thought of raising a child on her own was not scary but it wasn’t something she had planned on doing. She was ashamed that she was so careless s to be caught in this situation and vowed never to let her guard down again.
Part Four
“Miss Grey!” it was a familiar voice but the wrong precinct. Natalia stopped and turned. Her eyes made four with blue ones. She was just coming back from riding shotgun with her newly assigned female detective. As she was about to enter the entrance of the precinct she heard her name called.
“Where have you been?” Robert asked.
“What can I do for you Detective?”
“Detective? Don’t you think we’ve past that stage?”
“I don’t know what you mean?”
“I’ve been trying to find you but your boss wouldn’t give me your number or tell me where you were,” he stated.
“Why do you need to find me?” she asked coolly.
“Are you mad at me?”
“Why should I be, we don’t work together anymore. I’ve got to go.”
“Can we talk later over dinner?” she was half turned about to walk away but stopped for a moment. Then she turned to face him again and walked over to him.
“You don’t need to feel obligated to do that. I have no misconceptions about that night. It happened and we both have gotten past it so let’s just pretend it never happened. Okay?” That said, she turned and briskly walked through the doors of the police station.
“Miss Grey this came for you,” a uniformed officer handed her a huge manila envelope as she sat at her desk.
“What is it,” she asked.
“I don’t know. It came by courier from the mayor’s office.”
Natalia was curious about the contents and was about to open it up when someone commented, “That cop is on TV again. He says a woman saved his life.” The interview must have been recorded earlier but Natalia was curious as to what he had to say this time.
Without thinking she slowly walked towards the television to join the small crowd whose eyes were glued to the set. Someone with the remote turned the volume up so everyone could hear.
“A woman saved your life?” A reporter asked, “Can you tell us who it is?”
“Until all the members of the gang are caught I cannot disclose that. Her life may be in danger….”
“Excuse me…,” another reporter started
“…If she is watching…I want to say I’m sorry for leaving you the way I did,” Robert looked directly into the camera. “At the time it was the only way I could think of to protect you. I knew I had to go after the bad guys you would want to help. I couldn’t put you in further danger. I’m sorry.” With that he walked away ignoring the curious questions of the reporters.
Natalia knew the message was for her but it did little to quell her unhappiness at the thought of Robert. It wasn’t only that he left her without a word; he did it after making her feel things she had never felt before. It was more than a month and no contact. She assumed that what happened that night meant nothing to him.
She went back to her desk and opened the envelop to find a velvet bound frame around a certificate of recognition for the life she saved. A note was also attached stating that at the request of the police department her name was kept out of the press for fear that her life was in danger. She placed the thing in her bag, took up her keys and left for the evening.
“Natalia!” He said her name loud enough to echo through the underground parking of her apartment building. She was getting into the elevator when Robert accosted her. “Wait!”
He ran in before the thing could close. “What now?”
“You need to hear what I have to say,” he stated.
She reached her floor and got off the elevator and he followed her. “Okay, talk!” she was standing in front of her apartment.
“Can you invite me in please?” She took a deep breath, turned and opened the door. Robert followed her in and she offered him a drink which he refused. “Nice place.”
“Talk,” Natalia urged. “I’m busy.”
“Okay,” he hesitated before continuing. “It meant something to me.” His blue eyes pierced into hers as he said it, making her heart lurch a little. “I wanted to keep you safe, that’s why I didn’t contact you. After my partner died I was afraid they’d come after anyone associated with me.”
“What happened that night? What made it so special that you have to come to my apartment to tell me?”
“You always thought I didn’t like you but that wasn’t true. I found myself liking you the minute you were assigned to my precinct but I just couldn’t handle it. My fiancé was killed a few years ago by someone out to get me and…,” she could see the pain in his eyes as his words trailed off.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” she said softly. The realization of why Robert acted the way he did towards her made her anger dissipate.
“I’d really like us to give this, whatever it is between us a shot. I just wanted you to know that.” They both stood there for what seemed like ages; Natalia trying to make sense of everything and Robert hoping she understood.
After a long moment of silence Robert turned and walked towards the door. It took a moment to realize that if he walked out she may never get a chance to explore what could be a great romance. In a moment of sheer panic she rushed after him and stopped him before she could open the door.
“Wait! Do you mean it?” she asked.
In answer he pulled her into his arms and engulfed her in a bear hug. Slightly pulling away he cupped her face and covered her lips with his. Twining her arms around his neck Natalia pressed her body into his crushing her breast against his chest.
This was their second embrace and their third kiss. Robert pulled away and was about to say something when she pulled him back into her arms and kissed him deeply. She wanted him to feel how he affected her. Natalia could feel him harden against her and she knew he felt something too. She didn’t know what would happen in the future but for now she wanted to feel him inside her.
In a bit of urgency her shirt was unbuttoned and fell to the floor. She closed her eyes as Robert bent his head and covered her left breast with his lips. She gasped at the sensation which engulfed her. A wave of current shot though her as he licked the nipple of her right breast.
Anxious and nervous; with trembling hands she removed his shirt and fumbled with his buckle. Their lips met again and bodies crushed together as skin met skin for the second time around. It didn’t make it any less intense. The anticipation of what was happening made them hungry for each other.
They sank to the sofa where Natalia had often lay where she would go over the past few months
over and over again in her mind. She finally got the buckle opened and the jeans came off. Her skirt had long since hit the floor as well. Now his body covered hers and he stared into her eyes.
“You are so pretty, you know that?”
“What?” she was surprised.
“You smell nice too,” Robert said smelling her hair.
“You remember?” Natalia asked. It was the night he kissed her when she thought he was delusional. “I thought you were dreaming or something.”
“I wanted to hold you close and protect you. I remember how you took care of me and how your touch made me feel. You awakened something in me which I thought I had lost.” Then he covered her mouth with his again.
She never thought that Robert of all people would be the one to make her feel this way. His lips trailed feverish kisses along her neck and cleavage. When his hot tongue stroked her nipples she moaned in pleasure.
It was like a replay of that night except that he was moving more smoothly because his wounds were now healed. His lips continued their assault on her belly and down to the vee betwixt her thighs where he kissed it and slowly parted the thighs. He raised himself up and covered her body with his then he placed his index finger there at the vee nudging her legs apart.
Natalia was anxious to feel him inside her so she parted her thighs awaiting him but instead his finger began stroking her clit. At first it was a feather light touch then it intensified and finally he plunged it inside her. The finger came out sticky and he brought it to his nose and inhaled deeply before licking off its juices.
Slowly he guided his stiff cock into her slippery flesh and sank into her. She wrapped her legs around his hips and pushed her pelvis forward to meet his thrust. Withdrawing just a little he paused and she squirmed urging him to continue. The movement made him plunge into her again. His hips moved as he slid in and out of her; each thrust deeper and more urgent than the one before.